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Monday, February 21, 2011

Pics HumVee Evo Amphibious Vehicle Runs On fuel Cells Photos

Visualizing the future of all terrain vehicles (ATVs), Italian designer Matteo Carniato has developed a vehicle concept dubbed the “HumVee Evo” that runs on fuel cells to allow sustainable commutation in the days to come. An advanced version of Hummer, the futuristic ATV includes waterproof chassis to put it in the class of an amphibious vehicle, enabling it to cross deep rivers or other water bodies with ease. Locating the suspension within the wheels to make it highly functional, the HumVee moves on four turnable wheels to allow sharp turns or curves on rough and bumpy terrains. Featuring a body made in a light/strong and flexible material, the all terrain vehicle gives access through its roof that slides to rise at the rear while popping up the lateral steps from the side.

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